According to the author Davis Folsom, he pointed out his understanding of the consumer role in the economic system that, "Demographics, consumer's age, race, gender, occupation, and income, and income influence consumer;s economic decisions through differences in marginal propensities to consume. Older consumers tend to spend less of their disposable income than younger consumers. Ethnicity and gender also influence consumer spending priorities. Marketers spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually trying to better understand their target market, the people who buy their products and services, and what influences their decisions." From his perspective, different consumer will purchase different products and the householders will use this element to make a specific target for their markets, which can make more efficient effect.
In his book, he also discussed the 2008 recession in the United Stated.
Work Cited
Ed. W. Davis Folsom. "Library of American History NEw York: Facts on File". 2011. p142-143. Copyright 2011. 2004 W. Davis Folsom. Web. Oct. 10. 2013.