
WEEK 1: Free Post

I am trying to use other resources such as internet to answer the questions that I was unable to find the information from the book The Economic Way of Thinking. Therefore, this post is also about the questions. 

3. What Economists do for their job?
   According to the U.S Department of Labor's,  Economists study the ways a society uses scarce resources such as land, labor, raw materials, and machinery to produce goods and services. They analyze the costs and benefits of distributing and consuming these goods and services. Economists conduct research, collect and analyze data, monitor economic trends, and develop forecasts. Their research might focus on topics such as energy costs, inflation, interest rates, farm prices, rents, imports, or employment. Some economists work for the government and they estimate the economic effects of specific changes in legislation or public policy (What Do Economists do).  
4. What work conditions do economists have?
    Economists may writing reports for the government or the firms, they prepare statistic chartings using computers and calculators. They may collect datas and work as a team (What Do Economists do).
5. Why does Economics major is under the College of  Social Science not the College of Business?
    Economics can be a part of Business, but literally, it belongs to Social Science. Economists is not only a study of business, but also a study of the society. 
6. What is the average salary for an economist?

    The median expected salary for a typical economist (Corporate) in the United States is $117,256 (Economist). (Personally, I think this salary is pretty high. )

7. Where are the most popular fields do economist work? 
    Companies, governments, abroad firms. 
8. Who are the most successful economists in the world?

    Based on the Book, The Economic Way of Thinking, there are some popular economists in the world, such as the author of the book Paul Heyne, Peter J. Boettke, and DavidL. Prychitko. 

    Moreover, the author of The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith, the author of Theory of Game and Economic Behavior, John con Neumann, and Oskar Morgenstern are also the most popular economists in the world.  

10. Is there any test for being an Economist?

    Well, there's no test for being an Economist. Anyone who knows the Economics can become an economist. People who have a good pay always graduate from the college of social science or higher degree education. 

    Work Cited:
  1. Economist (Corporate)-U.S. National Averages. Diagram. Base Salary. Salary Wizard. 2013.    Web. 10. Sept. 2013
  2. "List of economists." Wilipedia. 2013. Web. 10. Sept. 2013
  3. What Do Economists do? Penn State University. n.d. Web. 10. Sept.2013

